Category: Executors

Ontario Rules on Estate Administration

When a person dies with a will in Ontario, what happens? The will usually names executors. In Ontario, executors are called estate trustees with a will. They have authority to deal with estate matters. In some cases, they may not need to probate the will. What does…
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Event Announcement: Please Don’t Sue the Executor

On Wednesday, October 2, 2013, Ed Olkovich will be sharing his secrets and shortcuts to probating estates with the Toronto Chapter of the Certified General Accountants of Ontario. Topics to be covered include: 1. STOP (Standard Trustee Operating Procedure); 2. Reducing risk for clients while protecting yourself…
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Executors: What to Do if the Will is Confusing

Are you are an executor acting under a will? Wills can contain ambiguous, contradictory or impossible terms. In this post, I’ll give you some tips on handling such will problems. You need to understand what the will requires you to do as executor. It is crucial for…
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Executors: Do You Need to Probate All Wills?

As estate trustee, here are some things you must know about wills: 1. Wills are legal documents. 2. Wills are subject to scrutiny and legal interpretation. 3. Wills can be declared invalid by a court. What happens if Jack’s 2013 will is contested in court? The court…
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Healthy Executors are Not at Risk

Let me clarify that headline: All executors are at risk if they do not understand their legal duties. You can be attacked by estate beneficiaries, taken advantage of by smooth sales people, and even get sued. I encourage executors and estate trustees to get proper legal advice….
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Executors: Change the Locks to be Safe Not Sorry

Real estate creates a different set of responsibilities for estate executors. If you are the legal representative of an estate, consider the real estate issues in this post. It’s important to get the right legal advice to protect yourself. You never know who may have a key…
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