Category: Executors

Costly Mistakes Ontario Executors Must Avoid

Executors must not … Your Executor Duties Make You Responsible for Your Mistakes Handling an estate is complicated. Research proves that people don’t know what to do. Read my free report, Suddenly You’re an Ontario Executor. You will learn how to: · reduce the stress of being…
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Are You a First Time Ontario Executor?

I know that being a first-time executor or estate trustee can be stressful. But I know it doesn’t have to be so. I wrote a free report to help you weather any estate storm. You need more than a checklist to guide you. I break down your…
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Can Ontario’s New Estate Laws Hurt You?

Henry signs his will and puts it into a sealed envelope. He includes a note to his executor, Nina. Henry’s note tells Nina to have the will witnessed. But by the time the envelope is opened, Henry has died. It is too late to have Henry’s signature…
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When Do You Start Work as An Ontario Executor?

The best answer is, before someone dies. Some people are meticulous about how their personal effects are to be divided. Personal effects, unless extremely valuable, are not usually itemized in a person’s will. Most people do not sweat making a list of their contents. This is not…
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Hostile Attacks on Ontario Executors Can Cost You Big-time

Objectors filed 300 objections to expenses in an executor’s accounting. The court dismissed all, except five, objections. The objectors alleged executor fraud. Their hostility towards the executor cost them. The court ordered the objectors to pay $35,000 toward the executor’s costs. This was a double whammy. The…
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