Category: Estates

This Is the New Standard Required to Contest Ontario Wills

Are you thinking of contesting a will? Read this before you act. This is the background to a new trend in will contests. Courts will protect testators’ private lives, their estates and limited court resources. Fishing Expeditions Courts now require minimal threshold evidence to question a will’s…
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Can Ontario’s New Estate Laws Hurt You?

Henry signs his will and puts it into a sealed envelope. He includes a note to his executor, Nina. Henry’s note tells Nina to have the will witnessed. But by the time the envelope is opened, Henry has died. It is too late to have Henry’s signature…
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End of Life Decisions: What is Next for MAiD in 2024

You want to know more about end-of-life decisions. Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) was illegal under Canada’s Criminal Code. It was considered homicide or assisted suicide. In 2014, Quebec introduced an Act respecting end-of-life care. In 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada in the Carter decision held…
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What Are Your Legal and Moral Obligations?

Even if you can answer that question, you still have to make sure you provide adequately for all your dependants. What is adequate support? Likely only an estate lawyer or judge can answer that. And you don’t want to ask a judge. If you don’t provide adequate…
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When Do You Start Work as An Ontario Executor?

The best answer is, before someone dies. Some people are meticulous about how their personal effects are to be divided. Personal effects, unless extremely valuable, are not usually itemized in a person’s will. Most people do not sweat making a list of their contents. This is not…
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Can Anyone Find Your Online Last Will?

Did you make your will during the pandemic? I recommend you locate the original will and review it. You may be surprised by the choices you made about who your beneficiaries and executors would be. Did You Make a Will Online? No one knows if your online…
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