Category: Estates

Your Winning Legal Strategy

Take this reality check if you are involved in a lawsuit (check all that apply): □ Are you fighting to protect someone’s honour? □ You lost your temper with your opponent. □ You are carrying a grudge to court. □ You are fighting for a noble cause….
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How to Choose an Executor

Are you struggling to choose an executor for your estate? Executors handle an estate to fulfill the last wishes of a friend or relative. They are unprepared to handle tax and estate laws, creditors, co-executors and the courts. Lawsuits against executors are becoming common, and they need…
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When Changing Horses Works

The best lawyers understand their opponent’s case as well as their own. If necessary, they are ready to change to a fresh horse in the middle of a long race. Fighting a lawsuit means you stake out your territory or legal arguments and attack the other side’s…
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Are All Lawyers Obnoxious?

In a court case, you hire lawyers to go the distance until the race is over. Your lawyer, by training, focuses on your case’s strengths and downplays its weaknesses. Lawyers rebut, argue and counter every position with their adversary almost by instinct. Trial lawyers try never to…
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The Second Mistake to Avoid

The lawyer handling Emily’s case did not know what to say. He made his next mistake. “You still have to prove the other side is responsible and anything can go wrong in a trial. That’s how the legal system works. Some cases you win, some you lose,…
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Secrets to Winning Your Legal Dispute

“I’ll see you in court.” How terrifying are those words? At the start of a lawsuit, everything you see is coloured by your fear, anger or desire to crush your opponents. A lawsuit is a dangerous weapon which you must know how to use, as well as…
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What Your Lawyer Should Do in Your Lawsuit

You need to discuss mediation options with your lawyer. The sooner you do, the better. If your lawyer has already discussed mediation with you, then you will find this information helpful to avoid failure and cut legal expenses. If you have a legal problem, it can take…
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Can You Guarantee Your Lawyer Will Win?

  You may not think of lawyers, except perhaps in a negative way, until you need one.  Then you have no clue what lawyers do or what to expect. You are not sure of your role as client, or what part you should play in the legal…
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