Category: Estates

Using White Flags in Lawsuits

Do you remember scenes in war movies where soldiers approach the enemy, unarmed, holding a tattered white sheet? In war zones, when you raise the white flag, it means you can’t fire your weapons or be fired upon.  The improper use of the white flag is forbidden….
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Dirty Fighting with Lawyers

Bob: “You are my lawyer, Jack, and you have to know. Ron is going to fight to get what he wants.” Jack: “That’s why the secret to success is to find out what Ron wants and to see if you can give it to him.” Bob: “Isn’t…
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Attack! Your Urge to Fight Back

Imagine this scene in a Hollywood movie: images of screaming, sword-clashing hordes running towards their enemies. Today we are more civilized and handle our disputes in a courtroom, using weapons like a lawsuit. Our motive, however, is the same; we want to crush our enemies. Lawyers and…
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You’re Not in Kansas Anymore

You feel like your entire house is spinning and you are helpless. Your lawyer, Tom the Terminator, checks the facts and gathers evidence to support your version of the truth. He can then properly advise you on your case and if a judge can give you what…
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The 6 Causes of Estate Disputes You Can Avoid

Estate lawsuits also include legitimate legal issues among relatives and heirs. Here are six common mistakes you can make: 1. Poor planning decisions: depending on a homemade or do-it-yourself will. 2. Bad executor choices: naming people who are not stable, financially capable, or trustworthy. 3. Using the…
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Can New Roofs Leak?

Let’s say you need a roof on the new home you are building. You hire Joe the Roofer to do the job. You wake up one day to find water leaking from your new roof. At least you have not paid the last instalment on his contract….
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Your Estate Planning Mistakes Could Be the Problem

The rate of increase in estate disputes is climbing. If you are like most people, you haven’t anticipated these types of problems. As a result, you won’t develop self-defence strategies. Sure, you’re ready to object: “My family will never get nasty. They won’t argue over what they…
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New Ways to Win Your Legal Dispute

I can help you find faster, more affordable ways to win. Mediation is an alternative way to resolve legal disputes. Mediation is an internationally-recognized method to resolve disputes outside of the courtroom. How Mediation Works You and your lawyer, along with the other side, agree to resolve…
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