Category: Estates

Why Use Lawyers to Prepare Wills

Are you still struggling to make your will without using a lawyer? Think you can do it yourself using an online service. No lawyer is involved online to provide advice. There are only dangers, not advantages, of not using lawyers to make your will. Let me describe…
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Executor Investments and Breach of Trust

Estate trustees have investment duties. These duties are defined by courts, statutes and wills. Executors must invest estate funds as prudent investors. Let’s run through some key concepts. Executors don’t want to be sued personally for breach of trust. My new chapters on investment duties and breach…
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Money Monitor: Leaving money to a secret beneficiary

Is it possible to ever truly leave money in secret to someone after you die? Experts say discreetly leaving inheritance money to someone can be tricky. Toronto estate lawyer Edward Olkovich says large amounts of money taken from a bank account could raise suspicion among loved ones….
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Stop Estate Beneficiary Costly Mistakes

Jonathan called me because his uncle Peter died. “What rights do I have as a beneficiary under Peter’s will? When do beneficiaries need to get legal advice?” “This is a common question when someone dies,” I said. “Your legal rights depend on if you are named in…
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In many estates the house may be the most valuable asset. Executors need to reduce the risks involved in managing real estate. Here is a checklist for some of the tricky things to consider. Remember this: As executor, you need more than a checklist to protect yourself….
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Who Cares About Fiduciary Duties and Trust?

Are you an estate beneficiary or expect to become one? Then you have to trust executors to deliver your inheritance. And executors, you can’t do your job without understanding your fiduciary duties. Are you waiting to inherit or are you an executor? Here’s what you need to…
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New Rules for Wills and Estates 2016 Edition

Ed Olkovich, Certified Specialist in Estates and Trusts Law, will speak to the Toronto Chapter of the Chartered Professional Accountants on February 10th. Ed will discuss valuable tricks and traps on: dual will strategies for business owners new estate information returns probate tax penalties and enforcement Get…
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