Are You an Ontario Estate Executor? Then Start Your Journey Here
I wrote a report to help you cope with the stress of being an Ontario executor.

Being an executor is an honour, but it is also a job you may end up regretting.
Most executors are inexperienced and learn on the job.
You want to get advice before you make any mistakes. These mistakes can cost you personally. Why take a chance when your legal fees for advice can be paid from the estate?
Do Things Right the First Time
Failing to get help can lead you into a costly court case if you don’t understand your legal duties.
Learn how to handle stressful estate issues with confidence.
Break up estate projects into smaller and easier-to-manage steps.
You’ll sleep better at night without worry and stay out of trouble.
Ontario Estate Trustees are Executors
Ontario law also refers to executors as estate trustees. Even though the will may not mention your compensation, you are entitled to charge fees. You’ll need advice to decide to charge compensation and how you should calculate it.
Estate checklists may not help you stay a trouble. You may not even know what your checklist could be missing. You could be reading one from another jurisdiction or nonlegal website.
Don’t be afraid of being an executor.
Read my free report, Suddenly You’re an Ontario Executor.
‘Tis The Season to Give
You can access this report here without providing your email address or any payment whatsoever.
I hope you find the report helpful. I welcome any and all feedback.
If you’re interested in learning how I can help you as an Ontario executor, contact me now to schedule a meeting.
Call for a meeting.
Estate law is all I do.
Posted In: Estates, Executors On: December 1st, 2023