Are You a First Time Ontario Executor?
I know that being a first-time executor or estate trustee can be stressful. But I know it doesn’t have to be so.
I wrote a free report to help you weather any estate storm. You need more than a checklist to guide you. I break down your executor tasks into three stages to make it easier to understand.
If you wake up to stress from angry relatives, then you better get good legal advice.
Not All Lawyers Are the Same
Lawyers who prepare wills do not always have the estate experience that executors need. Not all lawyers handle estate work or can advise executors. There is a big difference in being diplomatic with disgruntled beneficiaries and throwing oil on a fire.
Are you being chased by beneficiaries who ask you questions, day and night? You need lawyers who can handle angry beneficiaries and have them support you.
How do you deal with division of contents? What if there is no direction on how to divide up personal effects?
You need legal advice to protect yourself. This is especially the case with valuable assets. Hire experienced estate lawyers who know how to handle trouble before it’s too late.
Guide for First-Time Executors
You can get a free copy of my report, Suddenly You’re an Ontario Executor. I wrote it for Ontario executors to see the big picture.

Need a consultation? We deal mostly with referrals from other professionals. But I can always find time to help you if you are an Ontario executor who needs to understand what the will means. Call me today.
Want to know how to get paid as an executor? Call for a meeting. I look forward to hearing from you.
Estate law is all I do.
Ed Olkovich
Posted In: Estates, Executors On: December 21st, 2023