5 Tips to Protect Yourself with Powers of Attorney

You need to sign power of attorney documents to be protected. Here are a few things to remember about powers of attorney (POAs):

5 Tips to Remember

  1. Don’t name someone whom you do not trust. Attorneys must agree to accept the responsibility of being an attorney. This consent does not have to be in writing.
  2. Persons you name as your attorney may not accept the job. Always name a backup attorney in case your first-choice declines or is not available.
  3. The qualities you need in your attorney are similar to the qualities you need in your executor. These are honesty, trustworthiness and the ability to keep records.
  4. POAs are legal documents that require two qualified witnesses. This also means these documents can be interpreted by a judge. The wording in the document is important. The validity of power of attorney documents can be challenged in court.
  5. POAs for property are like loaded guns. Once signed, they can be used immediately unless they contain restrictions. Discuss what restrictions, if any, you need with your lawyer.

Want more information?

Need help understanding powers of attorney? Contact me for a meeting. Take advantage before fees increase. I offer you a meeting in person at my Toronto west-end office or by Zoom. You can discuss your power of attorney needs and estate planning options.

Book your initial meeting now as I have limited availability. Set up a meeting today to discuss your powers of attorney needs.

As a Certified Specialist, estate law is all I do.

Ed Olkovich