Month: February 2012

Legal Costs Drowning Executors Personally

Are you are an executor caught in a challenge to a will? You need to learn the role you must play. Executors must remain neutral. You cannot take sides in a dispute or you put yourself at risk. You can be personally responsible for the legal court…
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Celebrity Estates: Was Whitney Houston Prepared?

Those who survive her may have their doubts. She never expected to leave life’s stage prematurely at 48.  As a parent it was her responsibility to have an estate plan. Regardless of your wealth you face the same questions as Whitney Houston.  Test your own preparedness by…
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Estate Planning Strategies for Everyone

“Estate Sale.”   What do you think of when you see these words? An estate sale sign is a symbol of problems you can avoid. You only need to have an effective estate plan. As a lawyer, I see this sign too often. Many times it’s in connection…
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Executor Information

Executors, do you need help? Look for Ian MacNeill’s March 2012 article “Plan Your Estate” in Zoomer Magazine. The article mentions my book Executor Kung Fu. This book explains how to be an executor in 3 simple steps. You won’t find these 3 steps anywhere else!  

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