Month: September 2011

Your Estate Planning Mistakes Could Be the Problem

The rate of increase in estate disputes is climbing. If you are like most people, you haven’t anticipated these types of problems. As a result, you won’t develop self-defence strategies. Sure, you’re ready to object: “My family will never get nasty. They won’t argue over what they…
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New Ways to Win Your Legal Dispute

I can help you find faster, more affordable ways to win. Mediation is an alternative way to resolve legal disputes. Mediation is an internationally-recognized method to resolve disputes outside of the courtroom. How Mediation Works You and your lawyer, along with the other side, agree to resolve…
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Your Winning Legal Strategy

Take this reality check if you are involved in a lawsuit (check all that apply): □ Are you fighting to protect someone’s honour? □ You lost your temper with your opponent. □ You are carrying a grudge to court. □ You are fighting for a noble cause….
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How You Can Stop Fighting

How many times were you taught this lesson since you were in junior  kindergarten? Miss Jones would say to you, “Jane or Jack, I don’t care who started this argument. I want you to stop fighting or I’ll send you both down to the principal’s office.” But…
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